
There is currently some amazing literature appearing on the market, that challenge the existing paradigms. This is not only interesting in respect to the contents, but also mind-refreshing. How about if we get one serving of “freshness” for our professional paradigms?

List all the aspects of your professional situation, which you have not put into question so far. For example,

  • The next career step for me is the function of my boss.
  • If I want to be sure I have to stay in this company, in the industry, in the department, etc.
  • A move to a different type of activity, to another city, another country is not an option for me.
  • When it comes to my development, I’m depending on how I am perceived within the company.
  • It’s about achieving, implementing, etc. the given objectives, strategy, etc. as good as possible.
  • Only if I …, it will turn out well for me.
  • My job is there to secure my livelihood and my quality of life.
  • Projects and structures might get optimized but not completely changed.

What makes these aspects so untouchable?
How do you make these aspects untouchable?
What happens if you challenge one of them?
By which criterion do you select it?