allowing oneself
Who is in an emergency, wants to get out of there, as quickly as possible. Many attempts to get away by mind (e.g., by resolution, not to get upset about it), by talking (e.g., telling a friend) or by action (e.g. distracting by going to the movies) have, however, the effect of a rubber band: you don´t get away really, it is only in the short term, it seems to stick to you. This is because often the only way out is the way in. Avoiding doesn´t solve. The way in does not mean to like the pain, fear, anger, etc., – actually you do not need to evaluate it at all – but to allow it. Whatever your inner state is, you can allow yourself to have it, even if it is not pleasant. It is there anyway, it is very appropriate to the current situation and it is the doorway to your most appropriate response.
So, if you happen to want to get “out”, I have a question for you:
What happens when you allow yourself to feel your inner reaction? – Be curious and stay open for your observation.
And before you put them in a decision or action:
What is important to you, too?